Mint Mobile Project Image

Restructuring Mint Mobile's Instagram Communications Strategy

Reinforcing their $15/month Premium Wireless offering

As part of an University of Washington Human Centered Design & Engineering course, HCDE 301 (Advanced Communication in HCDE), my team partnered with Mint Mobile for a quarter-long project focusing on improving their brand's communication strategy. Focusing on Mint Mobile's communication strategy, our team was tasked to uncover what type of communications strategy Mint Mobile should launch on Instagram to reinforce their key selling point of offering premium wireless for $15/month, as well as suggestions for unique Instagram trends/tactics that they should employ for their social media.


March - June 2022


  • Hwa Jung Choi
  • Mia Oscarsson
  • Ethan Sylvia
  • Angelina Tran

Key Contributions

  • Communications Strategy
  • Marketing
  • Prototyping
  • User Research
  • Interaction Design

Design Question

How might we employ a communications strategy on Mint Mobile's Instagram to reinforce their key selling point: offering premium wireless for only $15/month?

Research: Competitive Analysis & SWOT Analysis

Competitive Analysis revealed opportunities for improvement through greater use of company branding

Our team first did an analysis of Mint Mobile's current Instagram feed, comparing it with the feeds of competitors, such as T-Mobile and Verizon, to uncover areas of strength, weakness, opportunity, and threats.

Competitive Analysis of Mint Mobile vs Verizon vs T-Mobile Instagrams
SWOT Analysis of Mint Mobile's Instagram

Research: Surveys

How satisfied are you with your company? What factors do you consider in a mobile plan? Do brand values and reputation matter? Have you ever changed mobile plans?

Now that our team had a better understanding of areas for improvement regarding Mint Mobile's Instagram, we distributed a survey to get more insight on people's perceptions of companies with the best brand reputations, factors influencing brand reputation, and what motivates customers to switch mobile plans.

Verizon and T-Mobile ranked high on the brand reputation list

Verizon and T-Mobile were identified as highly reputable brands, whereas Mint Mobile received a lower ranking in terms of brand reputation.

Survey Insight - best brands

Effective marketing significantly impacts brand reputation

The top reasons for a strong brand reputation included effective marketing strategies, public perception of the brand, and customer loyalty, with many respondents citing their long-standing loyalty to the brand as a significant factor.

Survey Insight - best brand reputation

Pricing is a key factor for influencing the decision to change mobile plans

Respondents called out high mobile plan costs and promotional deals as a driver behind their decision to switch mobile plans.

Survey Insight - Reason for changing mobile plan

Ideation: HMW's

Focusing on strategy enhancement, building trust, and increasing awareness of Mint Mobile

How might we expand on existing marketing strategies?

Explore how Mint Mobile can utilize IG features, such as reels and highlights, based on insights from our competitive analysis.

How might we increase customers' trust in online help?

Building trust will improve customer perception of Mint Mobile's brand.

How might we boost awareness of Mint Mobile?

Explore ways to increase awareness of Mint, based on survey results.

Ideation: Brainstorming & Sketching

Jotting the ideas down

Using our HMW's, we brainstormed and sketched some ideas of how to utilize reels and a Mintfluencer campaign to increase online engagement while building trust.

Brainstorm ideas

Brainstorm ideas

Ideation Sketches


Ideation: Design Requirements

Utilizing cohesive marketing to engage with followers and highlight Mint's key selling point

Now that our team had a clearer project direction in mind, we formulated some design requirements to address the areas of improvement identified through our surveys and competitive analysis.

Cohesive Marketing

Emphasize Mint Mobile's color palette, unique mascot, and brand voice to strengthen the branding

Selling Point: $15/month

Highlight Mint Mobile's low price

Community Engagement

Showcase the positive experiences of real customers to create content aimed at fostering interaction with followers and potential customers

Using our design requirements, we designed a couple screens focusing on building a more cohesive brand identity through use of brand color and Mint Fox. Additionally, we wanted to highlight stories and experiences from real customers through a Mintfluencer campaign.

Iteration: Usability Testing

Is there a cohesive brand? Are the posts engaging? What stands out visually? Are there any recommendations to improve the brand/feed?

The lo-fi prototyped IG screens were then shared with a group of participants to evaluate the effectiveness of the new feed, looking at brand cohesiveness, engagement, visuals, and content.

Usability Test Finding #01

Branding is cohesive, but sales-heavy

Feedback indicated that the new feed had cohesive branding. However, posts emphasizing the $15/month pricing appeared somewhat impersonal and overly sales-oriented.

Recommendation: Differentiate posts between targeted ads and company account on IG. Tie in more of Mint's witty and sarcastic brand personality in the feed.

Usability Test finding - branding

Usability Test Finding #02

"What is a Mintfluencer?"

Some participants had confusion on the 'Mintfluencer' Campaign and how it was intended to boost follower engagement.

Recommendation: Share stories from real Mintfluencers to make the campaign more personable and increase engagement.

Usability Test Finding - Mintfluencer Campaign

Usability Test Finding #03

Lack of diverse content makes the feed less eye-catching

Participants noticed that the majority of the feed was consisted of static content such as images and text, resulting in diverted attention span.

Recommendation: Utilize a variety of short-form content, such as more reels and videos, to make the feed more visually appealing and engaging.

Usability Test Finding - Reels & Videos

Based on feedback from the usability testing, our team began working on adding more content to the feed by fleshing out the Mintfluencers campaign, adding reels and videos, and differentiating ads from regular posts. While my team members worked on the targeted ads, I focused on the Mintfluencers campaign.

Final Designs

Cohesive Brand Identity

Brand identity is established by utilizing Mint Mobile's unique mascot: Mint Fox. Mint's color palette is evident through usage of the Mint greens in the text and visuals throughout the feed.

Final design - Cohesive Brand Identity

Diversified Feed

Range of posts, from static images to videos and reels, help increase user engagement through unique and eye-catching visuals. Incorporating pop culture references can further add to the appeal.

Final design - Diversified Feed

Follower Engagement

Mintfluencers and #MintMonday is a personable way for real customers to share their experience being a part of the Mint Family. Other impactful methods of engagement comes from stories utilizing IG features such as polls, 'Type Something' forms, and 'Add Yours'.

Final design - Engagement with Followers

Reflection & Next Steps

Reflecting and looking to the future

This was the first time my team and I had worked on an advertising and marketing-focused project. Thus, we had to learn how to adapt our user-centered approach to address business goals effectively as well. I found the creative freedom when designing the posts and reels for this project to be quite liberating, especially with the added humor that our team was able to add in the captions to match Mint's witty brand personality.

Key Takeaways:

  • Business Goals are crucial. Given the marketing focus of our project, our team needed to consider the needs of our users (Mint customers, non-customers, and Ryan's fans), while also balancing these with Mint's business objectives. This included increasing their social media engagement and achieving their overall business goals.
  • Studying existing successes provided valuable inspiration. Despite having little marketing experience, analyzing successful competitors like T-Mobile helped me learn what trends are effective on Instagram. This allowed our team to utilize successful strategies to grow Mint's following and social media engagement.

If we had more time, I would have wanted to get input from Mint Mobile customers and IG followers before handoff to Mint Mobile. Due to time constraints for the project, our usability testing pool was limited to participants we could easily recruit, such as classmates and friends. Considering the rising trend of social media, it would be interesting to incorporate additional pop culture references in future iterations of this project. This could include using trending audio, memes, and references to film and TV.