✍ MP3: Dev Toolchain

Overview and Usage

The core functionality of this project was to write the code to use a modern web development toolchain to structure and deploy an app, in which I chose to create a game app - Whack-A-Bee (inspired by the game whack-a-mole).

Whack-A-Bee Game

Play the game here. The code can be found in this github repository called "whack-a-mole". The repo can be cloned to your own device -- note, you will need to install libraries, run a local development server, bundle the code, and deploy the app on your own device.

Development Process

new github repo

New Github Repo

1. Create New Repo

To start out, I created a new public Github repository that I called "whack-a-mole" to host the project for my game. My game idea was inspired by the game 'whack-a-mole', so I chose this to name my new repo.

cloned repo

Clone Repo using Terminal

2. Clone Repo

After my new "whack-a-mole" github repository was created, I then cloned the new repository to my computer using my terminal and git-clone.

game sketch in p5.js web editor

Game Sketch on p5.js Web Editor

3. Create Game Sketch on Web Editor

After setting up my new repo, I opened a new sketch on the p5.js Web Editor to start on my game. I used the Web Editor as it has an embedded canvas so I could quickly iterate on my sketch and see changes without needing to refresh the page.

To code the whack-a-mole game, I started basic by using rectangles to act as the 'mole'.

local dev server for app

Local Dev Server for App

4. Set up Development Environment using Dev Toolchain Activity

Once I was happy with how everything worked and looked, I set up my development environment following the in-class Dev Toolchain Activity.

After installing the required libraries, I bundled my code and deployed my app.

whack-a-bee game

Final Whack-A-Bee Game

5. Clean-up and Edits

After the game was functioning the way I wanted, I added in a Bee image to replace the rectangle shape and act as the 'mole'. I also added in audio that played when the mouse was clicked on the Bee. I made some other edits and cleaned up my code as well to get to the final game app.

While making edits and changing my code, I routinely commited and pushed my code to Github alongside building and deploying my app.

Issue Deep-Dive

Issue: Bee Positioning and Removing Bee upon Click

One issue that I ran into was that the bee wouldn't disappear when it was clicked on -- but only move after 'n' seconds had passed (I had used random to set 'n' seconds for the time the bee was to be in a certain position, and my mousePressed function only changed the score and lives depending on if the bee was clicked on). I also was only able to set one bee on the screen, and I wanted to have the possibility to place more than one bee on the screen at a time to increase game difficulty.

moles did not disappear upon click

Moles did not Disappear upon Click

By doing a search online, I found someone had created a minimalist whack-a-mole on p5. Following their code, I added in a Moles Class to make the moles appear and disappear on screen. Creating a new Moles Class allowed me to bundle attributes and attribute functionality for my bees in one place. More specifically, I was able to group the set of fields together (like x-Position, y-Position, size, and time duration for the bees to be on screen).

functioning game

Functioning Game

Ideas & Future Work

Here are some additional ideas and features I would like to add to my game in the future!


Kudos to these helpful online resources! And special thanks to Hannah, Raina, and other peers as well :)